How does it work for companies with costly services?
If you were trying to run a Google advertising campaign for the first time, probably you found it too complicated and expansive. Facebook seems to be much more user friendly and cheaper.
For a self-employed woman who is busy with nail styling at her home, promoting her posts on Facebook will be perfectly enough to reach her clients. If she is doing it consequently and increases her FB friends base, she doesn't even need to start a Google advertising campaign. But if we speak about the construction business, the same strategy is not going to work.
Let's compare
The average bill for a manicure is 40 dollars. The business model is mostly based on regular customers. And for her new client is not much to lose, next week she will get a new one. It is a quick decision to take for her potential customers (believe me, I know;). I call it a time-lapse move - lightning-fast and impulsive purchase.
Now we will talk about the roofing business model as an example with an average bill of 10 thousand dollars. There is no place for fast and impulsive purchases if we speak about the roof replacement, which costs a lot of money an should last for the next 20 years.
People research and compare you with your competitors. They will visit your website several times, read reviews, and maybe call you for more information. It can take weeks or even months before they decide to work with you. I call it - purchase in slow-motion.
People are not searching for the roofing contractor on Facebook or Instagram
In general, they are googling it. Does that mean that you shouldn't use social media advertising channels? No, it doesn't, you just need to keep the right proportion between these two.
Artificial Intelligence entered our life much more profound than we realize. Google knows what you are looking for. You were searching for a new phone on Google, and a little later, you see the same model phones on Facebook or Instagram. Did you ever notice? So, it's not accidentally.
Google follows the people who searched for roofing services as well. For example, if someone in your area was searching for roofing services, visit your website, or maybe your YouTube channel, Google keeps showing him your advertising everywhere: Facebook, Instagram, and other websites and portals.
What we try to achieve with our advertising services is "I know this guy" effect
I often explain it to our clients: It seems like Facebook advertising is working on his own, but it's not (until you are not a nail stylist). Facebook shows the post to people who are potentially interested in such services because they are already searching for it in your area on Google. Before your potential client decides to hire you, he has been seeing you a few times before.
That is one of the aspects of UX - user experience, to build some subtle connection and increase the trust. This is an essential part of the advertising campaign if we speak about costly services.
And what is the right proportion?
Based on budget, we take on average 80/20, just like in Pareto law. If your advertising budget is $ 2000, we use $ 1600 - 80% for Google and $ 400 – 20% for SMM. Speaking about the Pareto principle, its exactly where we want to get resulting in the conversion of your campaign - to reach your particular client with minimum investment and maximum result.
The post on Facebook can become the last drop to convince the client to make his call or write the message to the "guy he knows."
Thank you for reading my post!
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.